How Much Should You Tip For Grocery Delivery?

Here's what to know about your supermarket deliveries.

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Aren't grocery delivery services the best? Honestly, there's nothing much better than casually sipping your coffee on a Saturday morning instead of joining the human circus that is any grocery store on the weekend. But while you're enjoying your peace and quiet, don't take your grocery delivery person's hard work for granted. Follow these guidelines to tip like a gracious Southerner.

Why You Should Tip For Grocery Delivery

If you’re Southern, then your mama hopefully taught you that tipping is just the right thing to do. If you didn’t learn that lesson, it’s okay—we've got your back. While you may be accustomed to tipping at restaurants, nail salons, or for spa treatments, you may not be familiar with tipping for services like grocery delivery. Here’s the thing—like restaurants, delivery folks are paid by their respective companies, but you can bet they would definitely appreciate something extra. Tips go a long way towards helping people make ends meet.

When To Tip For Grocery Delivery

You should always tip for grocery delivery. If your grocery order is excessively late, wrong, or damaged, then you can consider tipping less. Regardless if you’re ordering one item or 50, you should always tip. And if you’re asking your delivery person to shop during the busy times (Saturday morning, Sunday after church), you should consider tipping a little more. Think about it—there’s a good reason you’re not shopping during that time. Show your appreciation in a way that matters—with your wallet.

Bag of groceries on the counter
Alberto Guglielmi / Getty Images

How Much You Should Tip For Grocery Delivery

A good rule of thumb for polite Southerners is to tip between 15 and 20 percent for grocery delivery. You can always tip more if doing so is within your means, but it’s a good practice to never tip less than $5. And if you’re requesting delivery service during busy days, holidays, or stormy weather, go ahead and add a few bucks. It never hurts to be a better human—and your mamma would be proud.

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